Does Salesforce Do HL7 or X12 Integration?

Jeremy Smith

Recently during a webinar (recording available), I was asked if can integrate with/via HL7.  

The answer is yes.

But naturally, there are caveats… supports integration via several different application programming interfaces (APIs), and, in particular, via SOAP and REST. is one of the easiest applications/platforms to integrate with because of these open standards - more details are available on the website.

However, does not natively support HL7 version 2.X (or, for that matter, X12/EDI) delimited messaging. In other words, it won't be ready to interface via HL7 right out of the box.

Instead, you need to integrate via some “middleware” (software that sits between systems to mediate their connectivity and data formats) to convert the HL7 format to SOAP or REST, XML or JSON.  Middleware comes in many varieties:

Is this need for middleware a bad thing?  No, and here’s why:  

  1. If you’re working with multiple systems / endpoints, integrating through middleware provides centralized control, logging, and monitoring/alerting.  Middleware facilitates aggregating and intelligently routing and filtering data between systems.  There are lots of benefits to avoiding “point-to-point integration,” so you probably should already be using middleware of some sort.
  2. Most providers (at least larger providers) and payors already have some form of middleware in place - there is rarely something new to buy or learn.
  3. Almost all (but NOT all) middleware that supports HL7 (or X12) is also going to support XML or JSON data formats and SOAP/REST based integration.


  1. It’s really easy to integrate with
  2. If you’re going to integrate and HL7 or X12, you’re going to need some mechanism to translate the data and switch transport mechanisms - that’s what the “middleware” is for.
  3. Assess your particular HL7/X12 + integration requirements and ensure the middleware you are considering meets your needs; if you need help, contact us.
  4. As always - before integrating PHI (protected health information), ensure your endpoints, as configured, meet your specific BAA (business associate agreement) requirements as well as what is mandated by HIPAA!

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Jeremy Smith

As Summa's Director of Solution Architecture, Jeremy assesses client and project goals and constraints, designs effective technical and business solutions, estimates implementation costs and durations, and leads a team of solution architects who do likewise. He also consults as a healthcare industry SME, and is quite passionate about modern art and architecture.